On Her Shoulders
Sunday, January 13, 2019
23-year-old activist Nadia Murad has a horrifying personal story to tell. But her ability to relate it is a rare beacon of hope for her minority community of Yazidis. They were targeted by ISIS for systemic rapes and genocidal violence. As one of the few Yazidis who speaks to the Western press, Nadia carries their hopes on her shoulders. Filmmaker Alexandria Bombach takes a different, more intimate approach than most human rights documentaries, reflecting on what it means to carry a profound responsibility. Courtesy of Oscilloscope Laboratories/RYOT.
Official selection: DOC NYC
- Country USA
- Language In English/Kurdish/Arabic with English subtitles.
- Running Time 94 minutes
- Distributor Oscilloscope
- Website http://www.onhershouldersfilm.com/
- Director Alexandria Bombach
- Editor Alexandria Bombach
- Cinematographer Alexandria Bombach
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