Search Results for "Weekend Classics"

Weekend Classics: DOG NYC

With a titular nod to our long-running documentary festival, DOC NYC, IFC Center presents an 11-film tribute to some of our favorite cinematic canines, including Hollywood classics, an Italian neorealist masterwork, a loving spoof of the world of dog shows, indie landmarks and more. DCP projection unless otherwise noted. A special thanks to all the dog lovers on the IFC […]

Weekend Classics: Staff Picks

Favorites chosen by our ushers, projectionists, box office and concession staff!

Weekend Classics — Lone Star Cinema: Texas On Screen

In honor of the release of three great new Texas movies in August – KID-THING, PRINCE AVALANCHE and AIN’T THEM BODIES SAINTS – we’re thrilled to present this comprehensive retrospective of many of the best movies filmed and set in the Lone Star State. Also continues weekends at midnight.

Vampire Weekends

Sink your teeth into a six-film showcase of bloodsucking classics, screening Fridays and Saturdays at midnight, September 30-November 5. Popular culture has long been fascinated by the figure of the vampire, from the days of silent cinema to the present, with each new era finding its own ways to imagine the seductive darkness at the […]

Before Sunset

“It looks like a walk in the park – and a coffee stop, and a float down the Seine – but Linklater’s magic-hour impromptu lights up passions and possibilities most films don’t dream of. A more seasoned follow-up to ‘Before Sunrise’, in which Ethan Hawke’s rambling young American and Julie Delpy’s French student waxed romantic […]

Before Midnight

“The first time we saw Jesse and Celine, the ardent duo played by Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy in Richard Linklater’s 1995 romantic talkfest Before Sunrise, the two were meeting on a train and spending one long night wandering around Vienna — exactly the sort of random encounter that can feel like starry-eyed destiny when you’re […]

Richard Linklater’s “Before” Trilogy

Revisit Richard Linklater’s acclaimed “Before” trilogy, three extraordinary films about love and time starring Julie Delpy and Ethan Hawke as possible soulmates who connect, separate, and come back together in their twenties, thirties and forties. Screening as part of our ongoing “Weekend Classics” program, with tickets free for Auteur-level and above members.

Before Sunrise

“Céline (Delpy), an easy-going Parisian, is on her way back from Budapest to study at the Sorbonne; Jesse (Hawke), a young American, is at the end of a Eurorail tour. They meet on a train just outside Vienna; by the time they reach the station, they’ve hit it off well enough for Jesse to propose […]

Good Witch/Bad Witch

In celebration of the debut of Anne Rice’s The Mayfair Witches, the highly anticipated new series from AMC, IFC Center revisits some of our favorite cinematic sorceresses with the series “Good Witch/Bad Witch,” screening January 20-February 12 as part of our ongoing Weekend Classics and Waverly Midnights programs. The Weekend Classics lineup, screening for matinees […]


DCP Projection Jane Austen might never have imagined that her 1816 novel Emma could be turned into a fresh and satirical look at ultra-rich teenagers in a Beverly Hills high school. Cher (Alicia Silverstone) and Dionne (Stacey Dash), both named after “great singers of the past that now do infomercials,” are pampered upper-class girls who […]