Sugar Hill
Friday, January 10 - Saturday, January 11, 2014
35mm print
“The only movie directed by jazz musician/filmmaker Paul Maslansky (who hit it big in the 1980s as producer of the Police Academy series), SUGAR HILL — not to be confused with the 1993 Wesley Snipes drug-dealer movie of the same name — is unlikely to scare anybody, but it’s a haunted treasure chest’s worth of 1970s style, slang and racial provocation.
“Forcing one Caucasian thug into a penful of starving hogs, Sugar (played by exotic and distinctive Marki Bey) quips: ‘I hope they’re into white trash.’ Confronting another gangster in a warehouse, Sugar explains: ‘Hey, whitey, you and your punk friends killed my man.’ The gangster isn’t impressed: ‘You got one of the prettiest asses in town. I’d sure hate to see it kicked.'” – Commercial Appeal
- Country USA
- Rating PG
- Year 1974
- Running Time 90 minutes
- Director Paul Maslansky
IFC Center does not generally provide advisories about subject matter or potentially triggering content in films, as sensitivities vary from person to person. In addition to the synopses, trailers and other links on our website, further information about content and age-appropriateness for specific films can be found on Common Sense Media, IMDb and DoesTheDogDie.com as well as through general internet searches.